Black Lives Matter — BEFA-Reports

Black Lives Matter

School-to-Prison Pipeline

School-to-Prison Pipeline

The School-to-Prison Pipeline (STPP) is a metaphor that describes the growing trajectory for students from their schools into the juvenile or adult criminal justice system. Research exploring the relationship between perceived negative school experiences and subsequent justice system involvement finds significant associations that reveal the student populations most at risk for falling into this pipeline, with the majority demographic being our Black youth …

Implementing Social Justice in the Classroom

Implementing Social Justice in the Classroom

In 2020 we’ve seen racial tension comparable to the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement, with all the ugly stuff it involved; including police brutality, widespread riots, and modern-day lynchings. To deny that racism exists today is to turn a blind eye on a large systemic and communal problem. As educators and advocates for equality, the fight for the rights of our black students and the greater minority community is far from over …